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Creating Shelters of Well-Being for All Beings

Surrounding Ourselves With Materials That Make Us Feel Good!

Creating Shelters of Well-Being for All Beings.

We are surrounded by materials in our everyday lives and the choices we make about which of these elements (finishes, and furnishing) we select can have a huge impact on our health. Using natural biodegradable materials is definitely the most rewarding choice – they contribute to a multitude of benefits that will help improve both our physical and mental well-being.


What are the benefits of natural biodegradable materials?


You probably already know that natural materials such as solid wood, stone, and metal are generally non-toxic and do not emit harmful chemicals or volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the air. Natural fibers such as linen, cotton, or wool are breathable, which allows air and moisture to circulate more easily, reducing the risk of mold and mildew growth. This is particularly important in humid environments, where synthetic materials can trap moisture and create an environment for mold and bacteria to grow.

Natural materials are also more sustainable and environmentally friendly compared to synthetic materials. They can be harvested and processed in a way that minimizes environmental impact, and they are biodegradable and recyclable. Overall, they provide a multitude of health benefits, including reduced exposure to toxins, improved air quality, and a more sustainable and environmentally friendly design. But that’s not all!


Organic biodegradable materials generate higher Natural Frequency than man-made ones.


Did you know that Organic Biodegradable Materials produce a higher Natural Frequency (Vibration) and that vibration is energy?

“Everything in life is vibration.”— Albert Einstein

Every human being, and living thing is, in fact, energy – it’s a scientific truth. Research has shown that organic biodegradable materials vibrate at a higher natural frequency than those of their synthetic counterparts and by a significant margin too.

“Natural frequency, also known as eigenfrequency, is the frequency at which a system tends to oscillate in the absence of any driving force.” — Wikipedia

In organic materials, such as wood or plant fibers, the natural frequency is determined by the physical properties of the material, such as its density, elasticity, and stiffness. These vibrations can occur at different frequencies and amplitudes and can be influenced by various factors such as the material's physical properties, the type and intensity of the energy input, and the surrounding environment.


Natural Vibrational Frequency Chart from HIGH to LOW

Solid Wood Natural Frequency

1100-4600 Hz

Stone Natural Frequency

Clay Natural Frequency

Metals Natural Frequency

Glass Natural Frequency

Plastic Natural Frequency

Veneers Natural Frequency


Don’t you feel better being surrounded by nature’s elements?

By surrounding ourselves with higher-frequency elements, we can tap into the power of that energy and use it to improve our well-being. Studies have shown that natural, organic finishes and furnishings can help relieve stress, increase cognitive abilities, and make the user feel much calmer and centered. Natural materials have been found to have a more positive effect on our health and can even help us to better cope with stressful situations. By enhancing the energy of the universe around us we can bring greater harmony and balance into our lives.


The apparel sector is likewise lauding the health advantages of embracing organic materials!

A good friend of mine, Daniella Caine – founder and designer of a clean and conscious “Prêt-à-Porter” brand using only natural and biodegradable textiles – her trademark “high vibrational clothing for conscious women”. I love it!

Daniela includes the Vibrational Frequency in the fabric features for all of her garments. So cool!

Check out Daniela’s amazing Collection and blog at Koryphae.
Greta Dress - Highest Vibrational Frequency of 5000 mhz.

“We use naturally bio-degradable materials, predominantly woven on handlooms, fabrics with inherently higher frequencies that help support our well-being.” – Daniela Caine.

2023 Collection – Greta Long Sleeve Shirt Dress.

DHealth Guide - Dare to Thrive.

The Vibrational Frequency of Clothing


More on the same topic:


Interesting articles about biodegradable materials and the home:

How to sleep well and be happy at home by BBC The Collection - Interiors. Interesting paper published by Research Gate on the Importance of Natural Materials for Good and Quality Sleep


Learn more about natural biodegradable materials– Check out our upcoming blog “The Trend of Healthy Building Materials”

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